Monday 20 July 2015


Last night our family was having one of those spontaneous ‘gospel’ nights. We sit around the table, or on our couches downstairs, and talk about the gospel, the good news! We learn more about it, gain a new love for it, and have a few revelations about it! A revelation I got last night was the part about having victory in Jesus.
I personally have never liked storms. Especially since a tornado in Ellie, Manitoba when I was about 10. That tornado didn’t hurt anybody, but overhearing what the adults talked about after that, I gained a unabated fear of tornados. Then we had a wind shear go through our yard about two years later. That night was one of the scariest nights that I can recall in my life, I will never forget it. Ever since that night I can get myself very worked up if I even hear there is a thunderstorm forecasted where I am.
Recently I admitted this fear to a friend, unintentionally. After I told them, I had this sense of shame. Jesus would not live in fear like this, if I am in Him then why am I fearful? A few days before I had told them about this fear, I had gone through a thunderstorm where my Dad was gone and I was in charge. I almost freaked out. It was 6:00 am and everyone was asleep. I was pacing and not settled at all.
Finally I sat by my bed on the floor feeling sick, and I saw my Bible laying there so I opened it up to the book of Psalms and began to read. I would skim-read until I saw a verse about God as my rescue, or that He will deliver me. I prayed, and then I fell asleep. When I woke up the storm was over and I felt victorious! Really I wanted to tell everyone! (I didn’t!)
I grew up singing the song ‘Victory in Jesus’ and never took it to heart till last night. I have always known that the gospel isn’t just ‘getting saved’, it is living it out too. If we are in Christ, we have victory. If we have victory, we need to live in victory.

Last night the aspect of the gospel we talked over was Noah, how the story of Noah shows the gospel. In the boat they were safe, in Christ we are safe! In the boat they came out victorious, in Christ we are and will be victorious! Praise Jesus we can live in victory!  

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