Tuesday 2 February 2016

....patience my dear....

I'm a big fan of doing things right, but I'm also a big fan of getting it done asap! "I'd like that thing done within twenty-four hours if that works for you!" But I'm learning that not all things happen fast. 

I'm in a situation in life where waiting and having patience is basically all I'm doing. It can be very trying, and I've had to hold myself back from doing something to make it go faster on many occasions. I have really had to slow down and look at the big picture. And that ain't as easy as it may sound! As my journal can well attest to! 

You see I have this friend.... well ok more than just a friend... one of my best friends! This best friend's personality is to take things slow, think through the possibilities and weigh the consequences..... most of the time that is. Where as I (compared to them) throw myself headlong into things and do stuff very spontaneously! They just look at me and shake their head. 

"Please tell me why I just did that!?" 
"Oh Regan...." :)

The Lord is showing me the benefits of the slow and gradual. Of waiting. Of having patience. Of being silent. 

When someone is going to have a baby it takes awhile for that baby to form and develop. The parents don't just all of a sudden have a child in their arms in less then twenty-four hours of finding out they're pregnant! 

No they wait! They anticipat! They pick names for the child! They ready a room for him. They talk to the baby so it will know their voices. They get others excited for the arrival too! They treasure the child before they even see him! 

I must learn to wait. To anticipate what is in the future but not ignore the present. I must nurture the room in my heart that is for the love of my life, Jesus! I want Jesus to know my voice, and I want to know His! I must get others excited for His arrival here and now! But the point I must always remember is to always be eternity conscious with a head on my shoulders. 

Not to ride a roller-coaster of emotions, but to be stable about who I am in the here and now. Serving Christ as I daily live life!

   "Have patience my dear!" - My Mom