Friday 8 January 2016


There is a whole bunch of things that impacted my life this last year. Most of which tested and strengthened my faith in Christ Jesus! Although I'm not going to write about them, I think it is good to look back over your life and see God's goodness over the years! Not to dwell on the past mind you, but just see were God has brought you!

I kicked off the year of 2015 sick! And I think it did something to my logic! :)  I flew for the first time ever on June 28! And started flight school on October 23! I've now put over 50 hours into flight school study and only had forty-five minutes worth of flying! But my goodness it is so worth it!

Many people think I'm crazy! I think I got some of my mom's knack for spontaneity!

The feeling that comes with soaring over the prairie and seeing everything from above is really hard to describe. I wrote in my journal a few weeks ago a prayer that while in the air I wouldn't just see land, trees, houses and horizon, but that I would see God's goodness. That I would be thinking of Him!

I have the privilege of sharing flying lessons with a friend. So while he is in control of flying I get to sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

When he took off for the first time I stared out the window, my eyes fixed on the shadow of the plane becoming smaller and smaller, and nose up we climbed. Truly an exhilarating feeling!   

I watched the trees become toothpicks and the houses become toys. The little, seemingly toy, vehicles traveled on, navigating their way through the streets. I became increasingly aware of how small we really are! I felt as though I could just reach down and pick up that house over there and move it to a more convenient location in this game called life. Flying puts a lot into perspective.

I can see why flying would be a stress reliever.... you have no cares except keeping your plane in the air (which most times isn't as hard as it sounds!), and you then look around at life from a new perspective.

You feel alone. You and God.