Monday 26 October 2015

....I Believe....

This is a interesting day that we are living in! In Canada we just finished Federal elections, we are seeing morality be tossed to the side in the name of equality, love, and convenience, the world is falling apart right before our eyes! A month ago students were killed because they were Christians in the U S of A. Really there is nothing I can say that we don't already know and are witnessing, but there are many choices we have to make on a daily bases, one being: Do I believe? Even till death?

When I was in Montreal at the beginning of this year, I had a lady, who worked for the National Film Board of Canada, teaching me how to make a certain type of documentary. I had known prior to going that I would be making a film so I had prepared ahead of time. When she read my script for the first time she looked at me, called me into a different room, and told me that I need to rewrite the script. It was..... "to..... deep".

 You see this film is going to be viewed by a lot of people, and I knew Jesus wanted me to use this opportunity to give the gospel.  I was up till midnight that night rewriting the script, in our tiny hotel room. The next day I remade the movie, recorded audio, got it till rough draft stage to show her. She and I went to another room and she watched and listened to it. I was told, even though I had taken out most of the mentions of God already, I needed to rewrite it again taking out the two verses at the beginning and the end of the movie, again "to deep".

 I didn't change anything. 

I told her I needed to keep those verses in, she let me, and even told me that mine was the most "well made" video out of the group! She still didn't agree with the message though. I tell you about this minor form of persecution to prove that you can be called to "give an answer for the hope that lies within you" at any moment, any time, in any situation.

I'm taking ground school (to get my pilots licence) at the moment, and have been extremely convicted of the fact that out of the six people in that room, I know I'll see one in heaven with me (he's made a public declaration of his faith through baptism); where are the rest headed when they die? I'm so grateful that God has given me sensitivity to that, but I know that I am now responsible to tell them about Him. I feel even more convicted of this when I think about the amount of people I've encouraged to stand up and be a light for Jesus. Am I willing to take my own advise? 

I honestly believe that yes, I am.

In that situation in Montreal, Jesus gave me the words I needed at the time I needed them. That doesn't mean I don't tremble at the thought of standing up and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I have already failed him terribly, by not standing up for what I know caused Him sorrow, but I was convicted of the fact and repented (I haven't yet had a opportunity to correct the mistake, I believe I will in the very near future!) The verse that comes to mind is the one in Philippians 4:13 

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."  

To take that verse very literally... I can do all things through Christ! That would change the way I do... well, LIFE! Wow, the thought kind of just startles that reality right into me! 

Let us not be a generation of worriers, but of warriors! We know who wins this battle!