Monday 29 June 2015

//day 1 and 2// Ottawa

It has been crazy busy here!! I will give you the time line of events!

Day 1
June 28, 2015

 I got up at 4:30! I just couldn't sleep anymore! Dad was already up and making last minute preparations! By 5:45 we were showered, packed and ready to go and pick up Grandpa and Grandma! By 6:00 we had turned our vehicle east to the airport, and what ever lay ahead!
We got to the airport, parked, got our tickets, went through security without any major difficulty and sat down to await the arrival of our plane!

At 9:30 am our flight number was called and we boarded. My Dad and Grandpa switched seats because grandpa wanted to sit closer to the front, then dad and myself switched seats because I wanted to be closer to my sisters and Grandma! And as Providence would have it, Jesus gave me a very pleasant seat mate! He looked around late 50s, he worked in the air force, he had his helicopter license and he had lived-in the States! So we had a few things to talk about! Jesus also gave me a very pleasant first commercial plane ride experience! I normally get car sick on road trips, so I was prepared for anything! My ears didn't even hurt, and I didn't feel sick once! Yup, Jesus. Thats all I can say! 
So we landed in rainy Ottawa, got our baggage, and then went to find transportation to the hotel. 

That turn out to be a little bit interesting! None of us had ever ridden transit bus before! But we made it to the hotel in one piece! We entered the lobby, where greeted by our hostess', checked in and went for lunch. by that time it was 2:30pm Manitoba time and 3:30 pm Ottawa time! We were ready to eat! We ate with another winner and her mom, she was the youngest to win, 10 years old, and I am the oldest!
Then we hit the sack for a nap, we were done. 

We meet at 7:00 and went for supper.
On the way back to our room we were in the elevator with three other people. I recognized the girl right away, and started talking with her! To make a long story short, we found out that that too are Christians! Ruth (the girl) were very happy to find that out, and have this special bond now! (Fun side note: she was baptized about 9 months after me!) We were in bed by 10:45 pm.

Day 2
June 29, 2015

I had a pretty bad night thanks to my dear sister Rebecca! Yes I got punched and hit a few times during the night! ( we have different sleeping arrangements tonight!) But none the less I had to get up at 6:30 to shower and get breakfast by 7:15. Need less to say I am not a breakfast person, so it consisted of a piece of fruit the size of a strawberry! I made it till lunch!

We have a personal bus, so we, winners only, loaded at 8:45 am, and were off the the Canadian Museum of History! There we got to know each other a lot better, as most of us had never met! There also, we learned how to use our Nikon Cameras and Mac books that the National Film Board of Canada gave us for the trip. We did mock interviews, and a fun photography activity! I was always assigned to be with the only two boys on this trip Eric and Luke! Ya, nuf said....!! Eric is a pretty cool kid, and Luke..... well...... he's himself I guess! 
After that we got to go to lunch in the Museum, and then had an hour to tour by ourselves these are the two places we went in that hour (where by the way I broke the no taking pictures rule.... oops!).......

Then we went to see this in the park!
Afterwards we went to the Royal Canadian Mint were we were presented with coins, and toured.

We headed back to the hotel 5:00 pm and had some free time. At 6:30 we had our welcome reception and were presented with more prizes. 

We were back in our room at 8:00 pm! 
I am done and ready for a good nights sleep!
I will try to do this tomorrow too!
Signing off,

P.S. If you can please pray for my grandpas hip. We are doing a lot of walking and it is starting to bug him.