Thursday 28 May 2015

Thoughts on a rainy day.......

I am a little bit weird, ok more then a little bit......

You know those really famous preachers that started out their ministries for the Lord by preaching to fields and cows and..... well...... things that don't respond? I'm one of them. Not a great preacher of old, no, but one of those weird people that talk to things that don't respond! The place where I'm working right now is very conducive to that kind of behaviour! You are probably wondering what I talk to....... eggs!  Thousands of them.

So as I was telling the eggs my testimony today (I like to practice once in awhile), I came to a part in it where I had started realizing the influence I can have in peoples lives. As I pondered this thought (the eggs are a very patient audience!) I wondered if all of the people that Jesus has brought into my life saw Jesus in it?
I know that I can't say that for every relationship that I've had.

It has been impressed on my heart of late, that Jesus should be all I want to talk about. That conversations that I have with people wouldn't just be about the weather. I have seen people do it. I have a great aunt that I got to see recently. Her every word wasn't 'Jesus' but she had a joyful continence that made you want to smile, and she wasn't afraid to tell an unbeliever that she was praying for him, while telling him about the latest political thing in Canada! It was really beautiful to witness.

She could almost weep at something going on over seas, and say 'Halleluiah praise the Lord!' in the same sentence! I was shown that day that I should be able to do that, with anyone. I better start talking about my Lord now if I'm going to talk about Him while someone beats me to death when persecution comes to Canada!  

To put all my thoughts down here and now on this subject would not be possible.
 (I'll just talk to my eggs about it!)
//sneak peek at all the eggs//
//with some info//
in this picture there is over 200,000 eggs!
At the moment I'm getting about 28,000
eggs per day.
We collect 7 days a week.
And just a added bonus....
 all employees at the moment are homeschoolers!! 
(that are school age)